Web Application Development

Web application development is the process and practice of developing web applications. Just as with a traditional desktop application, web applications have varying levels of risk. A personal home page is much less risky than, for example, a stock trading web site. For some projects security, software bugs, etc. are major issues. If time to market, or technical complexity is a concern, documentation, test planning, change control, requirements analysis, architectural description and formal design and construction practices can mitigate risk.

Technologies we used to develop a web application:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • jQuery/JavaScript
Web application development process:

Lifecycle: Time to market, company-growth and requirements churn, three things that are emphasized in web-based business, coincide with the principles of the Agile practices. Some agile lifecycle models are:

  • Extreme programming
  • Timebox development
  • Feature-driven development

Testing: Web applications undergo the same unit, integration and system testing as traditional desktop applications. But because web application clients vary so greatly, teams might perform some additional testing, such as:


  • Performance, Load, and Stress
  • HTML/CSS validation
  • Accessibility
  • Usability
  • Cross-browser

Tools: We used PHP often to develop web application, the Zend Development Environment provides numerous debugging tools and provides a rich feature set to make a PHP developer's life easier. WebORB Integration Server for PHP can be used to integrate PHP classes and data with any web client. It includes developer productivity tools and APIs for remoting, messaging and data management. Tools such as Hammerkit abstract PHP into a visual programming environment and utilize component-based software methods to accelerate development.

More Information:

Web Design & Development

WordPress Web Development

ECommerece Web Development